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v4.0.0 Patch-Notes

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I am happy to announce v4.0.0! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

This update contains 2 new features, some improvements and bugfixes!


Scheduled/Discord Eventsโ€‹

This new feature allows you to automatically create Discord event on event creation!

In the gif below you see me creating an event with a start and end time + an image.


Discord scheduled events have some limitations. In general there are:

  • External events (events that do not have a stage/voice channel as a location)
  • And internal events (events that have a stage or voice channel as a location)

External events must have a start time and an end time! Otherwise no event will be created.
Internal events only need a start time.

Since the bot only creates external events, your event must have an end time. Otherwise no Discord event will be created.


  • If you add an end time later on, the bot will create the scheduled event.
  • If an event has a voice channel attached (see below), the location of the scheduled event will be changed to the voice channel. (Note: That currently does not work because of a bug in the Discord lib.)

Some more notes:

  • You will be able to en/disable the creation of those events with the new command /toggle discord_events. It is off by default. If on event creations will also create Discord events.

    The bot needs additional permissions for this feature. You will find more information in the /permission command.

  • Scheduled events are deleted on event delete.
  • They are linked with the voice channel (if set and the voice channel is already created).
  • If you edit the event, the scheduled event is also edited.
  • The image from event create is also used for the scheduled event.

Get more information about Discord Events.

Voice Channels (Premium)โ€‹

In the gif below you see me setting up a voice config with the following settings:

  • Name of the voice channel will be created dynamically by the event title and the event date.
  • The voice channel will be created 5 minutes before the event start time is reached
  • The category in which the voice channel is created is called Voice Channels

Voice Channel behaviour:

  • Voice channels are only created if the event has a start time.
  • Voice channels get removed:
    • After the event end time is reached and no user is in the channel.
    • If a user is in the channel after the end time is reached, the voice channel will be removed right after the last user leaves the channel.
    • If the event has no end time, the voice channel will be removed when the last user leaves the channel and the start time is in the past.
    • If an event gets deleted/closed and no user is in the channel, the channel will also be removed.
    • If a user is in the channel during deletion, the channel will be removed right after the last user leaves the channel.
  • If the corresponding event gets edited (example the title changed), the voice channel will also change its name (if the ${event_title} variable was used).

Get more information about Voice Channels.

Patreon/Premium Rewrite (Part 1)โ€‹

The first Part of the Patreon/Premium rewrite is live now.

This includes:

  • All features are now the same for all Patreon/Premium types.
    This means:
    • Premium/Patreon Bronze now have also unlimited channels/templates and stuff.
    • And all other features listed here.
  • Patreon will now change to a key based system.
    When you become a Patreon, you get a key. This key can be set to a Discord Server which than has Premium active.

Part 2?
Part 2 will contain:

  • A PayPal rewrite to make the usage easier
  • Buy Premium via PayPal
  • Add a lifetime Premium membership
  • And more stuff!

Getting Premium via Gears (and votes) will always be an option! I know that not everyone can (or wants to) effort Premium via money.

Breaking Changesโ€‹

  • The template command was renamed to signup_template to reduce confusion with event_templates.
    More Information
    Full list of changed commands:
    • /template create => /signup_template create
    • /template remove => /signup_template remove
    • /template edit => /signup_template edit
    • /template get => /signup_template get
    • /template list => /signup_template list
    • /default_template set => /default_signup_template set


  • Event delete now correctly updates the upcoming message.
  • Fixed some issues where the "missing permission" message wasn't printed on error.
  • On event edit the length of the title, text, description and footer text is now checked correctly to prevent hitting Discord message limit.
  • Fixed a race condition in the communication between the bot shards that could lead to the bot not responding during DM messages.
  • You now get an error message telling you to set a timezone if your server does not have a timezone set and you create an event with a start time.
  • Removing the user role from a user, no also correctly removes the user from the thread.
  • Using the command event user signup/signoff now correctly adds/removes the user from the thread.
  • The event start notification now gets always triggered correctly if you create an event that has a start time within the next few minutes.
  • language set now shows english correctly at 100%


  • If you remove a signup_template that is in use, you get a warning. This warning now:
    • Uses Discord buttons instead of emojis
    • Is ephemeral (only visible to the user that uses the command)
  • If you exchange Gears for goodies, you will now see them right away active on your server. (Before it took some minutes to update the settings)
  • If you enter a date to the creation time(repeating event creation), you now get an error message that tells you "Only pass a time".
  • Patreon/Premium loose no longer deletes channels/repeating events, etc. over the limit.
    More Information
    Before this update, if you lost your Patreon/Premium membership, all limits were enforced and everything above the limits got removed from the database.
    This caused the issue, that if you get Patreon/Premium again, you would need to set those channels up again.
    Now they are just "deactivated". This means:
    • Sign up in channels above the limit are no longer possible.
    • You can not create events in there.
    • etc.
    If you reactivate your Patreon/Premium membership, they are also activated again
  • language set now hides all language below 10% translation progress
  • During the initial DM setup, the bot now is case insensitive to the "channel name" and "channel type" input to make the setup easier.

Other Changesโ€‹

  • New channels now have the thread creation off by default.
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    I noticed that most people are not using it, find it irritating or disable it anyway.
  • The text field (during event create) now has a maximum length of 2000 (instead of 80).
  • The text field now also supports \n to make a new line.
  • The notify/event start notification user limit for non Premium users got decreased from 100 to 25.
    More Information
    Sending that many messages is heavy on the Discord API and slows down the bot.
  • Removed the command display_timezone because all times are now displayed with Discord timestamps
  • Removed the commands black/whitelist bot/hook because the new slash commands can not be triggered by other bots anyway.