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v4.4.0 Patch-Notes

Β· 5 min read

I am happy to announce v4.4.0! The last major update of 2023.

This is a rather big update, and, due to the big changes made in this version, the Beta-Team was now testing it for ~2 Months.


Share Custom Signup Templates​

Sharing custom templates with others is something a lot of users do. Since there were a lot of issues in the past with finding the right template and importing it, I added a new command /signup_template publish.
This command should make the process of sharing, finding, and importing templates easier. For more information, check the sticky message in in πŸ”„template-share.

Use Same Emoji Multiple Times​

This was a highly requested, and very complex, feature request. Basically, you could not use the same emoji multiple times in one signup template. This was due to how I saved the template internally in the database. I now changed the structure of how emojis are saved, which allows you to basically create templates where the same emojis are used multiple times in different subgroups.

1:⛏️,role,Great Axe
2:β™₯️,role,Great Axe,Life Staff
3:πŸ”¨,role,Great Axe,Hammer
5:β™₯️,role,Hammer,Life Staff

It still is only possible with emoji_behavior 2 or 3! This is due to the fact that emoji_behavior 1 adds all emojis directly to the event message and you cannot have the same emoji twice on a message.

Signup Template Clone​

Added the /signup_template clone command. This command is a shortcut to using /signup_template export and /signup_template import.

Change toggle at_mention Command​

The /toggle at_mention command was renamed to display_names set. This was needed due to the case that a Discord user now can have up to 3 different names. There are "Account names", "User Names" and "Server Nicknames". You can read more about the command here.

Show Preferred Option​

  • Added new command toggle show_user_choices
  • If enabled, users with multiple sign ups now have a (Preferred) or (Choice X) next to their user name.

    Preferred is only shown if the user has 2, or more, sign ups with "role" emojis. "status" emojis do not trigger this.

Check out the doc to this feature.

Export Events​

Added new command /export_event add_file. If enabled, a .json or .csv file is added to exported events. The content of the file can be adjusted to have only users exported that are signed up, not signed up, etc. This should help you to have a better overview of how often a user did (not) sign up over the last events.


It still requires manual manipulation of the exported files since you only get the information for one event. Suggestion ID: 1841281 will solve that in the future.


  • You can now buy Event Templates via Gears/Paypal
  • Improved help of the command /sign_up_number_behavior set
  • Improved help of the command /event reload
  • Better errors on the website when API calls fail
  • On signup_template create finish, the bot now sends a DM to the user with how to use the newly created template.
  • event user confirm now uses buttons instead of emojis. This was
    1. needed because a user can now be signed up with the same sub emojis under 2 different categories. Emojis would not allow that to work.
    2. Buttons are way faster πŸ˜‰
  • Made the signup_template import command a bit smarter
  • On signup_template create finish, you now get a message with "How to use it" information.


  • Fixed issue that confirming a user, which was signed up multiple times in the same event, did not work.
  • Fixed issue that no error message was printed if permissions were missing when using the help command.
  • Correctly print error message if the log config input misses some fields.
  • Fixed issue that event user notify did not trigger an error if the entered message was too long.
    NOTE 1: This can only happen if you use Custom Message Fields, since they take up more space when the fields get resolved.
    NOTE 2: This error message can only be printed on event user notify. If you entere a message ,that might be too long, with the event_start_notification or event_create_notification, there is no way to predict the sice since the length is determined by the event.
  • Fixed issue that the event user notify test_message only worked if you selected DM as notify_type
  • Fixed issue that /event_start_notification edit message always edited the message 1, even if another nr was passed.
  • Fixed issue that ${status_count_xxx} did not work correctly
  • Fixed issue that after signup_tempalte create command finished, the channel message wasn't updated correctly
  • signup_template edit and only changing the emoji description no longer gives you "emoji already in use". Instead the emoji stays the same but the emoji description is edited.
  • Fix issue that in very rare cases usernames were displayed italic in the event.

Other Changes​

  • Renamed commands to fit together in the export_event group:
    • export_channel set => export_event channel set
    • toggle export_event_on_close => export_event toggle