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v4.4.5 Patch-Notes

· 2 min read

Bugfix update v4.4.5.


  • Fixed issue that delaying the event start time still closed the event at old the time. For example having an event with a start time at 20:00, and than moving the start time to 20:30, still closed the event at 20:00 instead of 20:30.
  • Fixed issue that editing the event start time to something earlier could lead to the event closing on the original time. For example: Event start time 20:00 and than edit it to 19:50. The event would still be closed at 20:00 instead of 19:50.
  • Fixed multiple issues, where using an event_template with a default start_time did "funny" things when you created an event from that template and wanted to overwrite the start time. For example a default time of 20:00 became 20:00 21:00 when you wanted to overwrite the start time to 21:00.
  • Fixed issue that in some cases signup_templates with an emoji behavior of 1 did print emojis in a "strange" way. Now sub emojis are always directly added after the main role emoji.
  • Fixed issue that invalid start/end time inputs did, in rare occasions, not print an error message.
  • Fixed error that /statistics did not work

Other Changes

  • The commands event edit, event_template edit and repeating_event edit now allow to reset fields that are not required. For example: description, end time, footer text, ... . To reset those fields, use clear as value.
  • The commands event user signup and event user signoff can now be used by users with the user-role in LFG channels.
  • Improved some "signup templates" strings by adding "signup" to the template. Example: custom template is now custom signup template.
  • Improved error codes when a repeating event stops working.