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Voice Channel


This is a premium feature.

Raid Organizer has the ability to automatically create voice channels X time before an event starts.

Set up voice channel creation


For this feature Raid Organizer requires additional permissions to work as expected.

To enable automatic voice channel creation, use /event_voice set. The command has 3 parameter:

  • name: The name of the voice channel. This field supports the dynamic fields ${event_title} and ${event_start_time}.
  • time: How long before the event start the voice channel should be created.
  • category: The Category in which the channel should be created.

Example input:
/event_voice set name: test time: 5m category: #Voice channels

Snaweused /event_voice set
Raid OrganizerBot11/23/2024
Voice channel configured!
The voice channel will be created 5minutes before the event starts!

Voice channels are only created for events that have a start time!

Deletion Behavior

Voice channels get removed:

  • After the event end time is reached and no user is in the channel.
  • If a user is in the channel after the end time is reached, the voice channel will be removed right after the last user leaves the channel.
  • If the event has no end time, the voice channel will be removed when the last user leaves the channel and the start time is in the past.
  • If an event gets deleted/closed and no user is in the channel, the channel will also be removed.
  • If a user is in the channel during deletion, the channel will be removed right after the last user leaves the channel.