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Upcoming Events

This command list you the next (up to) 10 events that take place on your server in chronological order. It also only lists events to which you are allowed to sign up.

Since this command is "user bound", it also returns an ephemeral message.

Snaweused /upcoming events
Raid OrganizerBot11/23/2024
Upcoming Events!
Below you find a list of the next 2 upcoming events.
❌Event 1
Event: message - #channel - πŸ”’
Event Start: [event start time]
Event End: [event end time]
Sign Ups: Total: X - Role: Y - Status: Z
βœ…Event 2
Event: message - #channel - πŸ”“
Event Start: [event start time]
Event End: [event end time]
Sign Ups: Total: X - Role: Y - Status: Z

The message above shows 2 upcoming events on your server.

Event 1:

  • You are not signed up for this event (indicated by ❌).
  • The event is either already over, or sign ups are closed (indicated by πŸ”’).

Event 2:

  • You are signed up for this event (indicated by βœ…).
  • Sign ups are still open for this event (indicated by πŸ”“).