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Log Channel


This is a premium feature.

Raid Organizer has the ability to log all kind of actions to a dedicated log channel.


This is a channel setting! This means that you can set different log channels for each setup channel if you want.

Set up a Log Channel

Use /logging setup to set up a log channel. As a parameter you need to pass a text channel to which the logs should be sent.

Once you execute the command, a Discord Modal pops up where you can configure what should be logged. Here you select which actions should get logged.


Raid Organizer needs Send Messages permission in the passed channel to be able to send log messages.

Log Options

  • event creation => Log on event creation
  • event edit => Log on event edit
  • event closed => Log on event close
  • event opened => Log on event open
  • event deleted => Log on event delete
  • user sign up => Log on user sign up to event
  • user sign off => Log on user sign off from event
Note 1

The bot does not keep track of any of the events. All of them are "fire and forget". For safety reasons, the bot does not store any additional information. This means that there also is no export function of those logs.

Note 2

To avoid spamming the Discord API, log messages are aggregated and only sent once per minute at most.

Example Messages

Raid OrganizerBot08/15/2024
20:01:43 Event My Event Title got created (ID: 1079478375523045486)
20:01:47 User @Me signed up with ❌ for event My Event Title (1079478375523045486)
20:01:50 User @Me signed off with emoji ❌ from My Event Title (ID: 1079478375523045486)
20:01:52 User @Me signed up with ✅ for My Event Title (1079478375523045486)
20:01:54 Event My Event Title got closed (ID: 1079478375523045486)
20:01:59 Event My Event Title got deleted (ID: 1079478375523045486)